Cheryl Beatty
I’m currently co-director of our Tuesday School program. “Happy Tuesday” is how I love to greet each student when they arrive to learn about our Bible heroes. I attend church here at Spring Hill and I am blessed to be part of this AMAZING program. Honestly, I am not sure who is teaching who! (Am I teaching the kids or are they teaching me?)
Chelsea Arnold
I’m currently co-director of our Tuesday School program. I have been a member of Spring Hill Church of Christ for over 30 years. I have been volunteering for Tuesday School for over 9 years. I also teach with my mom, Lori Reeves, and we teach a class of 4 year old’s. I love this ministry!

Lou Deckard
Here at Tuesday School I work with the 2 & 3 year old’s. What a blessing it is not only to work with your children, but also to teach my own great grandson, Holden, who can’t wait to come to Tuesday School each Tuesday. I am a big kid myself so this service for the Lord is right up my alley!
Jill Carr
I’m Miss Jill Carr and I volunteer here at Tuesday School. I’ve taught toddlers in Sunday School for over 20 years. I love to see the excitement on their faces as they learn the stories from the Bible.

Tiffany Robinson
Tiffany is a mother of three young daughters so she knows what it is like to be around young children! She and her husband are members of the Spring Hill Church of Christ. Tiffany is a blessing to have working in our Tuesday School program.
Paula Howard
Hi, I’m Miss Paula. I go to church here at SHCC. I love helping at Tuesday School because just when you don’t think the kids are listening, they surprise you with the answers!

Lori Reeves
I’m a lifelong member of the Spring Hill Church of Christ and I have taught Tuesday School for over 10 years. I currently teach along with my daughter Chelsea in a class for 4 year olds. I love these kids! Tuesday is the highlight of my week!
Jenny Fields
Jenny is the proud mother of three sons and the proud grandmother of one grandson. She retired from preschool teaching after thirteen years. Jenny enjoys teaching children and seeing their bright smiling faces every Tuesday morning!

Sherrie Myers
Sherrie is the mother of two and the grandmother to Madison. Sherrie is also Ms. Jenny’s younger sister. She loves children and teaches with the love of Christ.
Stephanie Garrett
Tuesday School combines two of Stephanie’s favorite things, children and music. Teaching children to love the Lord and love music is considered to be a true blessing for her.

Lana Poe
Lana is a longtime member here at Spring Hill. She is an extremely hard worker not only in Tuesday School but also keeping the kitchen and fellowship hall clean and shiny. She has the wonderful job of preparing the snacks for the kids each Tuesday. No wonder they like her so much!
Andy Bolen
Andy assists in recreation and any other areas as needed. The Madison fire department that he volunteers for comes out each year to let the kids see the fire truck and their fireman uniforms. He is affectionately known as “Grandpa Andy”.